IV Custom

What is IV nutrient therapy? IV nutrient therapy is the process of giving high dose nutrients through the bloodstream by accessing a vein with a small needle. The nutrients are pushed in to the vein slowly from a syringe over a couple hours. What are the benefits of IV nutrient therapy? Nutrients delivered directly into the bloodstream reduce any issues of absorption, or digestive upset.  Many patients have a difficult time remembering or have an aversion to taking oral supplements. IV supplementation may be a good alternative for this population. IV therapy can also deliver nutrients in higher doses than can be delivered orally. As a result, there is much data on using IV nutrients for certain health conditions.

Myke IV_side

Meyer’s Cocktail – $120

Magnesium, Vitamin C, Calcium, B12, B Complex, Trace Elements

Immune Juice   $169

High Dose Vitamin C (5,000mg), Glutathione (1,000mg), Zinc

Dr T’s Tonic   $169

High Dose Vitamin C (5,000mg), Magnesium, Calcium, B Complex, Trace Elements

Relief (allergy) – $150

Vitamin C, Taurine, & Glutathione

Quercetin (200mg) – $150

Alpha Lipoic Acid (250mg)$150

Vitamin C IV –  $100 – 5 grams, $175 – 25 grams, $225 – 50 grams

6 treatment package – $800 – 15 grams, $925 – 25 grams, $1200 – 50 grams

Immunity C –  (Myers Cocktail + High Dose Vitamin C)

$200 – 15 grams,  $250 – 25 grams,  $300 – 50 grams

Glutathione + Meyers Cocktail –  $200

Mineral Blend    $200 for 1, $300 for 2

(Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Selenium)

Push Injections      $100 each

Choice of: Magnesium, Glutathione, Trace Minerals, Thiamine, Amino Blend

B Complex Injection (standard dose) – $50

NAD   Package of 8, 250mg IVs – $1200. Package of 6, 500mg IVs – $1350 

Standard IV Bag is 250ml – 500ml is an extra $10

  • Must have had G6PD Test and Basic Metabolic Panel bloodwork done for Vitamin C IVs 25 gram and over. Can pay cash for the test with us or go through your primary doctor with insurance.
Lab TestNon-Member  Member



BMP Lab Draw Fee






What is Plaquex?

Plaquex is a compounded medicine that contains polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC). PC makes up all the cell membranes in the body as well as the transport vehicles for cholesterol, such as HDL and LDL. Cell membranes consist of a double layer of PC molecules. Embedded in between these molecules are receptors for signaling proteins such as hormones, neurotransmitters and many more. Cholesterol molecules are also embedded in this layer to give the cell its stability. As we age, the PC in the cell membranes becomes damaged by toxins, detergents, free radicals, heavy metals, smoking, hypertension, high blood sugar as well as high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin. With aging, the body is no longer able to produce enough PC to repair this damage. Consequences of this damage are cardiovascular disease with plaque deposits in the blood vessels, liver damage, kidney damage and brain damage. Besides making up all the cell membranes, PC also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Effects of Plaquex

Plaquex Therapy restores cell membrane integrity and cell membrane function. It thereby normalizes the cell metabolism. This in turn helps to clear out plaque deposits and improve the function of all organs, including liver and kidneys. It also improves the blood flow properties so blood can flow more easily without the use of blood thinners. It also has an effect on important enzymes involved with blood lipids. It thereby reduces LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increases HDL cholesterol.

Therapeutic uses

Plaquex has been studied in many countries since the 1950s. Plaquex is used to treat atherosclerosis. It is given to patients suffering from angina pectoris whose coronary arteries contain plaque deposits, but also in patients with carotid artery plaque and peripheral plaque in the legs causing claudication pain when walking. Because of its effect on the liver and the kidneys, it is also used to improve the function of both these organs. As a nice bonus effect, it also improves skin texture and helps with a more youthful appearance.

How is Plaquex administered?

It is administered by infusion with a venous catheter over a period of 90 minutes. A minimum of 20-40 Plaquex infusions is suggested. In severe cases of heart disease (Bypass and Angioplasty candidates) up to 45 or more treatments with Plaquex may be required. Plaquex can be alternated with classical Chelation treatments.

What are possible side effects?

Plaquex treatments are extremely safe. The most common side effect is diarrhea that can be easily managed by reducing the frequency of treatment and the use of medication. In Asian patients there may be a feeling of fatigue and a drop-in blood pressure. Because of this possibility doctors are advised to give a lower dosage to such patients. Very rarely there can be some burning at the infusion site. If this happens, let your doctor know so he can undertake steps to prevent this in future treatments. Occasionally the liver enzymes and the cholesterol values will go up. Studies have shown that this is due to an increased clearance of cholesterol from the plaque deposits and is only transient. They will return to normal.

The importance of maintenance therapy

Following completion of the treatment, it is highly recommended that you see your doctor regularly. As Plaquex does not treat the underlying cause of plaque deposits, it is recommended to undergo a maintenance program of 10 -12 treatments every year as a prophylactic measure. Should symptoms start returning you may require another small series. You should also take Plaquex Oral softgels to help keep the results achieved by the infusions. Your lifestyle (smoking, drinking, healthy diet) as well as your condition of health (e.g. diabetes) will dictate your results.

Could Plaquex Help Me?

If you are interested in finding out whether Plaquex might benefit you, we encourage you to schedule an appointment to speak with Dr Truty who can discuss your symptoms, history and determine if this technique is suitable for you. Plaquex infusions are currently $175 per IV at Balanced Physician Care.


NAD + IV Starter Package

Two (2) NAD+ IVs per week for 4 weeks.  8 IV’s in total

IV #1: 50mg

IV #2: 150mg

IV #3 – IV #7: 250mg

IV #8: 500mg

Starter Package Price: $1200

250mg IVs –  Package of 8 IVs – $1200

500mg IVs – Package of 6 IVs – $1350

How do I get started?


1. Schedule Your Consultation or Book A Specific IV.  Our experienced staff makes the process as easy as possible. Call (904-930-4774) or book online below.


2. In-Office IV Consultation. If needed, a doctor will review your lab results and medical history with you to determine how IV Therapy will best address your specific needs.


3. Receive Treatment.  If IV Therapy is right for you, our Registered Nurse, Amy Corrales RN will administer your personalized treatment.


4. Feel Better.  Most clients experience an immediate surge of new energy & vitality.

IV Nutrition_Scott Nelson

*Fees for IV nutrients are variable depending on the substance and amount of time involved in dispensing these therapies. Therefore, payment is due at time of service.