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Healthcare Sharing, or Groups, are non-profit organizations of like-minded individuals that pool their money together every month to help each other with serious medical costs. They are NOT considered insurance. 

Most are Christian based ministries except for Sedera Health & Zion Health. The Christian based Ministry groups usually require members to adhere to moral and ethical principles that result in lower healthcare costs; such as not smoking, avoiding excessive alcohol, and no illicit drugs. Since these plans are not insurance, they can restrict or refuse approval, i.e. exclude for pre-existing conditions but rarely do. Sedera Health is different. It does not require you to adhere to moral or ethical principals.

These health sharing plans can provide catastrophic healthcare protection (like health insurance should be doing) for significantly lower monthly costs.

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Sedera Access Pricing

Ready to find out more?

Click button to go to Sedera's sign up page or call Sedera (512) 521-3355

More Healthshare Options

Click on the Links below to go to that company's website

Health Cost Sharing Comparison Chart 2023