
direct primary care
Direct Primary Care Webinar from 11/20/19 with Dr Sharyl Truty MD
WSOS Dr Truty 2/22/2024
Dr Sharyl Truty MD Interview on 103.9FM WSOS from 11/20/2019
Health Benefits of Tai Chi Cover
Dr Sharyl Truty MD speaks about the health benefits of Tai Chi at the Empowering Women Health Expo (11/9/19)
WSOS Dr Truty on Air_small
WSOS 103.9FM Interview with Dr Sharyl Truty MD on 10/23/19
open enrollment 2
For most, Open Enrollment is right around the corner. Here are some tips for picking the right health insurance.
Blood test, blood samples on a laboratory form
Blood tests help doctors check for certain diseases and conditions. They also help check the function of your organs and
balanced physician care
Dr Sharyl Truty's top ten nutrition list
Employers are often resigned to accept healthcare spending increases year after year, but via a local partnership with Texas Health
IV FB Live_Part 3 Cover
Part 3 of 3 on IV Therapy with Dr Sharyl Truty MD
Surgery Center of Oklahoma Pricing
Surgery Center of Oklahoma provides upfront, cash pricing for surgeries. Learn how they can they do it?