medical cost sharing

Health Cost Sharing

Medical Cost Sharing Guide for 2022

The very concept for and purpose of insurance is to protect one against unpredictable and large expenses, such as damage to your vehicle from an accident, or to your home from a hurricane. In health care where there is virtually no transparency, most health care costs are purposedly unknown, falsely creating a need for insurance for even routine care. Charges are frequently inflated, and “discounts” off these inflated charges by health care facilities are advertised by insurance companies as evidence that they are working on your behalf to get your value and savings for your insurance plan.

The Direct Primary Care (DPC) memberhsip model absolves the need for insurance for non-emergency care, from physician consultations to ancillary services, such as laboratory and radiology services. All costs are transparentaffordable and predictable with the all-inclusive monthly membership. Various private surgical groups are now publishing all-inclusive non-emergency surgical procedures so insurance is even not needed for them.

The DPC model allows members to purchase insurance or other plans purely for catastrophic needs at a much lower cost by forgoing inclusion of routine care in their plans. Unless you have chronic medical conditions that truly require the care of a specialist physician and expensive medications (about 15% of you), a health cost sharing plan may be just what you need. These programs dovetail with a DPC membership perfectly, at a combined cost that is usually half of traditional insurance offerings.

We hope this updated version will guide you to a solution to your health care needs.
Health cost sharing
Health Cost Sharing
Health Cost Sharing

Health Cost Sharing 2020

The very concept for and purpose of insurance is to protect one against unpredictable and large expenses, such as damage to your vehicle from an accident, or to your home from a hurricane. In health care where there is no transparency, most health care costs are unknown. Health insurance gradually morphed to provide “coverage” for everything, from the routine care such as doctor’s visits, ancillary services (laboratory and radiology) and prescriptions to the catastrophic needs when one gets hospitalized or requires emergency surgeries.

Direct Primary Care solves the routine care dilemma by making the cost of health care and ancillary services all transparentaffordable and predictable with the all-inclusive monthly membership. In so doing, Direct Primary Care renders health insurance irrelevant for most routine needs. Then by removing the routine care from traditional health insurance, the cost for such is dramatically lower, as in the case of most health cost sharing plans. These plans perfectly pair with a Direct Primary Care membership to deliver you a health care solution that is better than most traditional insurance offerings, yet cost half as much.

Unless you have chronic medical conditions that truly require the care of a specialist physician and expensive medications, these health cost sharing plans will be just what you need. Most medical conditions that are currently managed by specialist physicians can be cared for by a Direct Primary Care physician who is not spending time running from room to room seeing 25-30 patients a day as in a traditional medical practice. That practice setting favors referrals for almost everything due to time constraints and network referral pressure.

When we could not find any solutions online comparing various health cost sharing plans, we decided to do it ourselves, and have revised it annually to reflect the changing marketplace. It is our hope that this updated 2020 version will help you find the perfect health cost sharing plans for you.
Click Link for Health Cost Sharing Pricing

-courtesy of ochna health

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