Dr. Sharyl Truty

About Dr. Sharyl Truty


Posts by Dr. Sharyl Truty:

Medicinal Teas_Part 3

Medicinal Teas

Medicinal Teas Event
Positve Focus FB Live Event_2


Acupuncture Merdians

Treating Pain Without Medication – Part 3: Acupuncture


A lot of the press surrounding the opioid epidemic has focused on providing marijuana as an alternative solution.  While this idea is certainly to be considered with the sensationalism and controversy that marijuana brings to the media, other ideas and solutions have not been given as much attention.  While acupuncture itself is not a cure to chronic pain, there is a lot of medical evidence that acupuncture can help in both pain and the mental aspects that create perpetuation of chronic pain in brain.

A recent while paper published by A.F. Fan et.al. in the Journal of Integrative Medicine (https://doi.org/10.1016/S2095-4964(17)60378-9), the author lays out the framework of how acupuncture can be used to solve the opioid epidemic.  One of the ways acupuncture is thought to work on pain is by stimulating the nerves that lower pain in our bodies.  Our nervous system in it wisdom has created a break on pain. Regular acupuncture can put the brakes on this pain.

Another aspect of acupuncture healing is its ability to work on the parasympathetic nervous system. It is believed that acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic, rest and digest, part of our bodies.  This system helps to calm the effect stress has on our bodies.  Stress magnifies pain in our bodies, so by reducing stress and the chemicals it produces in our bodies we can reduce pain.

Another fascinating aspect of acupuncture and pain is that acupuncture is thought to create direct changes in the brain thought the nervous system.  Too much attention is often focused at the periphery when it comes to pain, but changes in our brain often perpetuate the chronic pain response. Techniques such have scalp acupuncture have shown emerging clinical evidence that acupuncture can create positive changes in different sensory and motor areas of the brain.

Acupuncture is certainly not a “cure all”.  These biggest downside of acupuncture is that it often takes a commitment to a good amount of visits to create a lasting change in your body when you have a condition that has been become chronic.  Despite what most have experienced in Western Medicine, the needles are extremely small and when inserted virtually pain free. Also, there are many different styles of acupuncture, so even if you have tried it before in the past and not been successful, it may be reasonable to try it again with another practitioner. Consider including acupuncture not only as another tool powerful at reducing pain circuits and energizing healing pathways in the body, but for personal and emotional self-care, as well.

Optimize Your Health, Simplify Your Life,

Dr Sharyl Truty MD


Sharyl Truty

Dr Sharyl Truty MD is board certified in Family Practice and Sports Medicine and has completed a physicians course at UCLA Helms Acupuncture Training and Certification as well as acupuncture training in China.  If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr Sharyl Truty, please call 904.930.4774 and ask about the New Patient Special, 3 visits for $199, available at Balanced Physician Care.

Twitter: @DrTruty

Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

When it comes to blood pressure, we often forget that certain foods that we eat can actually combat this condition.  Look to the following food tips to lower your blood pressure:

1) Reduce your Sodium Intake.  This is still number one.  As much as possible, try to cook and eat fresh food whenever possible.  Sodium tends to hide in packaged, frozen and restaurant food.

2) Eat your Garnish. Parsley is often overlooked as a decoration on your plate, but munching on this Garnish can actually lower your your blood pressure.  Parsley grows easily inside as an herb garden.  Consider growing some and adding it to your dishes today.

3) Ramp up the Arugula. Arugula has one of the highest amount of nitrates as a leafy green.  Nitrates are converted to nitric oxide in the body which naturally dilates your blood vessels.

4) Bites of Dark Chocolate. Chocolate that is 70% cacao content or higher is rich in flavonoids.  1oz a day is all you need to get the benefit of reducing blood pressure

5) Sweet Potatoes. Foods rich in potassium help to lower blood pressure.  While most people reach for bananas, sweet potatoes are another source rich in potassium to boost your diet.

Diet can be such a powerful tool for health.  Most of us fall into “eating” habits.  When we are busy is can be easier to reach for the same foods.  Challenge yourself to try different food choices and different food places to expand your palate and your health.

Optimize Your Health, Simplify Your Life

Dr Sharyl Truty MD


Foods to Lower Blood Pressure. Get consultation from us!



If you feel like you need more information on diet or how an Integrative Medicine Consultation can be beneficial to your mind, body, & soul, then you owe it to yourself to contact us at Balanced Physician Care today (904 930-4774). Dr Sharyl Truty has the time to truly analysis your symptoms, find the root cause of your issues, and get you back on the path wellness.  Dr Sharyl Truty is board certified family medicine physician and fellowship trained in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.

Male Osteopath Stretching the Body of his Patient

Treating Pain without Medication – Part 2: Manual Therapy


Often the power of manual treatments is minimized for two reasons.  One reason a feeling of vulnerability that arises in having another person work on areas that are hurting.  The other often is cost because for many manual therapies to work effectively they need to be done over an extended period of time and on a regular basis. However, there are a wide variety of treatments to explore and often no matter what your budget you can find something that works for you.

Manual Treatments worth exploring:

  1. Massage – Most people are familiar with massage, but often time or expense is the biggest barrier. Massage is often most effective when done in a series of treatments.  A well-trained massage therapist has a wide variety of techniques at hand to relieve and release tight muscles. While I highly recommend getting a massage by professional whenever you can, if you are strapped for cash try a little self-massage with Arnica gel on a nightly basis.  If you’re really motivated you can even try an App” “Massage Techniques” which available for download to your IPhone for a small fee. 


  1. Cupping – Cupping received much attention with the 2016 Olympics with the help of Michael Phelps. If you are able to put aside the dark circle marks that form on the skin with this treatment, it is actually excellent at alleviating muscle spam and tension. We offer cupping as an add-on to the acupuncture treatments we provide in our office, but home kits can be bought for those who find this treatment helpful and want to continue its use at home. 


  1. Scraping – Scraping is a manual technique that originated in Chinese medicine, but has found its way into massage and physical therapy. The “ATSYM” treatment that many physical therapists use to help tendon repair really has its origins in the scraping technique perfected by the Chinese. This technique uses the edge of a ceramic spoon to “work” the tendon areas.    This is also is a great self-treatment technique that can be taught for self-care and can help to breakup stubborn knotted tendon.


  1. Reflexology – Reflexology is the application of pressure to certain points in the body that seem to influence other areas of the body. This concept has been around for centuries and is often used in acupuncture, as well. Often reflexology is done in combination with other treatments such as massage, but it is also a great treatment that can be done on your own at home.  Seek out a practitioner familiar with the various reflexology maps on the body and have them show you different techniques to get these areas of the body working for you. 


  1. Reiki/Healing Touch – This is a more alternative manual technique that is really good for people who are sensitive to touch or whose pain has caused them to be hypersensitive. It is considered an energy-based treatment similar to acupuncture, but without needles. Practitioners consciously use their hands in an intentional way during a treatment that in theory manipulates the magnetic field around the body. 


  1. Rolfing – This is a more alternative manual technique in which the practioners work to manipulate the body’s fascial layers and combine this with active and passive movement retraining. If fascial layers are tight this can have some painful moments, but often people who respond well feel a satisfying release and subsequent improvement in their arc of movement in restricted areas.


  1. TENS Units – There are a variety of handheld units that deliver a wave or pulse therapy though pads that are attached to the skin. Through mechanisms not fully understood this pulse treatment appears to help dampen an overactive pain response and allow muscles to heal.  Home units are often available by prescription from your physician or physical therapist.


  1. Manipulation Therapy – Manipulation therapy actually can be done by a variety of providers. Most commonly chiropractic physicians come to mind first, but there are a variety of other providers who do manual manipulation as well including osteopathic physicians and physical therapists. I often encourage people to try a wide variety of different manual therapists, so experience different techniques to find the one that is right for them.

Optimize Your Health, Simplify Your Life,

Dr Sharyl Truty MD


Sharyl Truty

Dr. Sharyl has been engaged in family medicine, sports medicine and orthopedics for over fifteen years in many different capacities. She is the physician-owner of Balanced Physician Care, a holistic, direct primary care medical practice in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.  Her practice provides a unique solution for individuals and small business owners who are seeking answers to better healthcare.  She is Board Certified in Family Practice and has a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine.  She was team physician for the Chicago Red Stars women’s professional soccer team, completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, and has received her acupuncture training at the UCLA physician certification program. She currently lives in Jacksonville Beach with her husband, Myke and 4-year-old son, Lukas.



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treatment without pain medication

Treating Pain without Medication – Part 1


The opioid epidemic has gained the national spotlight.  Locally, there is a bill in the Florida State Legislature to restrict the prescription of controlled substances by physicians including opioid pain medications. 

Regardless of whether you are dealing with fibromyalgia, chronic back pain or rheumatoid arthritis.  There are 5 main key cornerstones to pain recovery.

  • Manual therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Strength Restoration
  • Remapping the Mind
  • Anti-inflammatory Diet

To be able to truly break the pain cycle, requires the attention and work of all five.  However, the biggest challenge that most pain patients face is affordability and access to the providers in each of these areas.  Unfortunately, pills and tablets are cheap and the effort and price required for these interventions is expensive. 

As a society, the epidemic will not go away until these core access issues are addressed.  However, each of us an individuals can make an independent choice to work on each of these five areas on our own.  In upcoming blogs, I will explore each of these cornerstones and the rationale behind their effectiveness and also examine cost effective ways that each of us can integrate these into our busy lives.  

As someone who deals and has dealt with chronic pain on a daily basis, I can understand the emotional as well as physical challenge of dealing with such a chronic disease.  However, the body has a tremendous ability to heal and with a new perspective and a willingness to step into a new frame of mind there is much hope.  One simple change a day is all it takes. 

Optimize Your Health, Simplify Your Life,

Sharyl Truty, MD


Dr. Sharyl has been engaged in family medicine, sports medicine and orthopedics for over fifteen years in many different capacities. She is the physician-owner of Balanced Physician Care, a holistic, direct primary care medical practice in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.  Her practice provides a unique solution for individuals and small business owners who are seeking answers to better healthcare.  She is Board Certified in Family Practice and has a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine.  She was team physician for the Chicago Red Stars women’s professional soccer team, completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, and has received her acupuncture training at the UCLA physician certification program. She currently lives in Jacksonville Beach with her husband, Myke and 4-year-old son, Lukas.

Fantastic Fungi


I remember disliking mushrooms as a kid, I would go out of my way to pick them out of any food that I ate.  As I grew to an adult, I grew to like them more.   As an integrative doctor, I am absolutely in love with Asian medical mushrooms.  The medical benefits of these little fungi are impressive and for any of those still harboring a strong mushroom a dislike, worth rethinking.

Asian Mushrooms for Thyroid. 

One of the least known facts is that mushrooms can help thyroid disorders.  While the exact way this is done is still unknown, from observation, Asian mushroom extracts have the ability to normalize the thyroid hormones in the body.  Regardless, if you have a high thyroid disorder or a low thyroid disorder, the edible Asian mushrooms may help decrease your need for medication.  Most often increasing shitake and maitake mushrooms in your diet can be helpful.

Asian Mushrooms for Cancer Prevention. 

Immune cells in our body have receptors for mushroom compounds. In particular:

1)  Maitake mushrooms have shown promise in fighting prostate cancer and breast cancer. 

2) Chaga Mushroom extract has shown to have activity against cancers of neuroectodermal orgin: melanoma, neuroblastoma, leukemia and ovarian cancer

3) Reishi mushroom extract has shown to have activity against colon, bladder, breast and prostate cancer.

Asian Mushrooms for Memory and Mood

A mushroom called Lion’s Mane (Hericium Erinaceus) has shown promise in improving memory while the supplement is taken.  This does seem to reverse when the extract is stopped.  However, there is also promise in this mushroom showing promise in decreasing anxiety and improving mood and concentration.

Remember not all mushrooms are edible and some can contain toxic compounds, so be sure to purchase extracts that have a high quality and purity.  Furthermore, for those edible mushrooms like Shitake and Maitake be sure to always cook them before you eat them for this same reason. 

Optimize Your Health, Simplify Your Life,

Dr Sharyl Truty, MD

Sharyl and Andy Weil

We have Myco Forte Mushroom Extract available for $23.00 for 1 oz or $37.00 for 2 oz at Balanced Physician Care

Mushrooming Immunity and Mental Clarity – Lisa Alschuler, ND, FABNO
Asian Mushrooms in University of Arizona Fellowship content – Dr. Andrew Weil, MD and Dr. Donald Abrams, MD


high deductbile blues

High Deductible Blues

It is the beginning of the year and you have health insurance, right?  You chose a high-deductible plan because it was the best you could afford.  However, with a high deductible plan you essentially are likely going to pay for everything out of pocket unless you end-up having a medical event or surgery that puts you in the hospital. 

What is your strategy for your health?  Do you have a plan or will you just worry about it when it happens?  Let us play through a few scenarios and see which one seems to work better if you have a high deductible plan.

Scenario #1

It is Friday night and you start getting a headache and over-the-counter medications just don't cut it.  The Urgent Care is closed at 8pm and your choice is the ER.  You go to the ER and are seen your blood pressure is high and the cause of your headache.  After a CT scan, bloodwork and a long night in the ER.  Your health bill totals over $3000. 

Scenario #2

You cut your hand on Thursday morning making breakfast.  It is not a deep cut, but enough that you need stitches.  You to the local Urgent Care and they say they are unable to stitch you up because the cut it is located in a place the provider is not comfortable with, so they tell you to go to the ER.  You head to the ER and there is a long wait.  After about 4 hours and over $1000 later you are finally done.  You get an antibiotic to take to prevent infection, but you go to the pharmacy and it costs $70.  What choice do you have?  Do you need it?  Is there an alternative?  There is no one to call.

Is there another option?  You're a victim of the system what can you do?

There is another option.

Scenario #3

You had a headache a week ago and emailed your new DPC physician.  She reminded you to check your blood pressure and because it was high and you had no other issues she called in a higher dose of your medication and you came in to the office the next day at a convenient time for you.   She was able to quote you the price of your medication over the phone, so that it only cost you $4.  Today, you cut yourself with a kitchen knife.  You called her and you were in the office later that day and out in 30 min all stitched up.  You only lost 90 min at work.

The cost a Direct Primary Membership. 

Direct Primary Care Membership + a High Deductble Plan

Gives you COMPLETE coverage at a low fixed cost. (Like adding a "rider" to your insurance plan)

For less than $1500 a year (Less than the cost of 1 ER Visit)

  • You get personal care on nights and weekends
  • You get complete advice at the tips of your fingers thorugh email.
  • You get care in your home or work through home phone calls and video visits
  • You get the best deals in town on health testing because your DPC membership shops for them.
  • You save on prescriptions because you and your doctor discuss the price before you leave.
  • Your get a doctor who coordinates specialists and helps you sort through conflicting advice.
  • Consider a long-term view of your health.  Add some kick to your health care plan.

Call about Direct Primary Care today!  


Dr. Sharyl Truty

Dr Sharyl Truty MD is Physician Owner of Balanced Physician Care located in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. She has been engaged in family medicine, sports medicine, acupuncture and orthopedics for almost 15 years in many different capacities.  Dr. Sharyl is Board Certified in Family Practice and Sports Medicine, and fellow of the Integrative Medicine Program at the University of Arizona (Dr Weil) and a graduate of the UCLA Physician Acupuncture Program.  Please call 1-833-HEAL JAX to find out on how to become a member.

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