Doctor/Patient Relationship
The patient/doctor relationship, it’s what healthcare is all about. It’s the path in which data are gathered, diagnoses are made, treatments are discussed, and healing begins.
For many years, doctors have recognized that the well being of their patients depends upon effective communication between themselves and the patient.
Today, effective communication plays an even greater role, especially when most of us are self-diagnosing our ailments using the latest web post or some blog post 😉
You have a say in your healthcare decisions!
When you are actively involved in the decision making process, you get the combination of your doctor’s expert medical knowledge and your right to be fully informed of all treatment options, including potential side effects, success rates, harms and benefits.
This provides you with the information and support you need to make the best healthcare decisions for yourself.
A good relationship benefits everyone. A relationship built on mutual respect, knowledge, trusts, shared values, and perspectives about disease and life allows for better quality and better transfer of information regarding your disease or illness.
To help build or enhance a strong relationship with your doctor, you should:
- Bring medical problems to the attention your doctor in a timely fashion
- Provide all relevant information about your medical condition
- Work with your doctor in a mutually respectful way
And remember you have the right:
- You have the right to information regarding the benefits, risks, and costs of treatments
- You can accept or refuse any treatments recommended by your doctor
- You deserve courtesy, respect, dignity, responsiveness, and timely attention to your needs
- Confidentiality
- You have the right to continuous healthcare as long as further treatment is medically needed
We all know there are A lot of medical choices out there, but on the same note it can be difficult to find a doctor that you can build a quality, healthy, healthcare relationship with. Here are some suggestions to help in your search. Is your doctor willing to:
- Sit down with you and give you the time needed to adequately discuss your medical issues
- Develop an understanding of you as an individual, not as a disease or a medical condition
- Show you empathy and respect
- Listen attentively and create a partnership
- Elicit your concerns and fears about your disease or condition
- Answer questions honestly
- Inform and educate you about treatment options and the course of care
- Involve you in decisions concerning your medical care
Healthcare seems to be getting more rushed, more high-tech, and less personable all the time. The practice of sitting down with your doctor, and honestly and respectfully discussing your disease, condition, or concerns cannot be replaced. I have great news...
That's what you get with a Balanced Physician Care Membership!
The true benefits of personal healthcare will always continue to cultivate therapeutic benefits that are commonly believed to improve the patient’s experience.
Sources:Fundamental Elements of the Patient-Physician Relationship—The American Medical Association
The Influence of the Patient-Clinician Relationship on Healthcare
Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials by John M. Kelley, Gordon Kraft-Todd, Lidia Schapira, Joe Kossowsky, Helen Riess
Patient-Physician Communication— American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
January 25, 2018 @ 3:10 pm
Great article