Dr. Sharyl Truty

About Dr. Sharyl Truty


Posts by Dr. Sharyl Truty:

Coronavirus updates

Covid-19 Update 4/8/20

April 8, 2020 Coronavirus update with Sharyl Truty MD


Premieres at 8pm EST 4/8/20

Coronavirus updates

An Epic Battle: Us vs Coronavirus

Sharyl Truty MD speaks about society's battle with the Coronavirus

truty sharyl

Dr. Sharyl has been engaged in family medicine, sports medicine and orthopedics for seventeen years in many different capacities. She is owner of Balanced Physician Care, a holistic, Direct Primary Care medical practice in Ponte Vedra Beach.  Her practice provides a unique solution for individuals, families, and small business owners who are seeking answers to more personalized healthcare.  She is Board Certified in Family Practice and has a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine.  She was team physician for the Chicago Red Stars women’s professional soccer team, completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona and received her acupuncture at the UCLA physician certification. She currently resides in Jacksonville Beach with her husband, Myke and 6-year-old son, Lukas.

tai chai in the park

Tai Chi Class – Online

Online Tai Chi Class

Instruction by Tai Chi for Health & Wellness

Sponsored by Balanced Physician Care

Location: Howell Park - Atlantic Beach, FL

Coronavirus updates

Covid-19 Update

I just wanted to send out words of encouragement to our membership community.  I hear the questions and feel the tension grow each day.  Everyone wondering... How we are doing?  I believe our community and northeast Florida as a whole are doing better.  The hardwork of our community to "flatten the curve" is starting to show. We are headed in the right direction. Yet, there is still much work to be done, especially, in hospitals, but, if we continue to do the right thing, we will see even more signs of improvement and maybe an end to this pandemic.

I know we're all feeling uncomfortable during our self-quarantine but stay diligent in your efforts of social distancing for the sake of neighbors and loved ones.

I understand there is a lot of fear of what the future may bring.  I ask us not to give into fear, but to stay in the present moment and embrace the positives as much as you can.

For most of us this can be an opportunity for peace and self reflection.  Take time to be with your family and loved ones.  We will see ourselves through this.

I leave you with this thought...."Wash Your Hands & Wash Your Worry Away"

Please stay positive and reach out to us if you need anything,

Sharyl Truty MD


Dr. Sharyl has been engaged in family medicine, sports medicine and orthopedics for over sixteen years in many different capacities. She is owner of Balanced Physician Care, a holistic, Direct Primary Care medical practice in Ponte Vedra Beach.  Her practice provides a unique solution for individuals, families, and small business owners who are seeking answers to more personalized healthcare.  She is Board Certified in Family Practice and has a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine.  She was team physician for the Chicago Red Stars women’s professional soccer team, completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona and received her acupuncture at the UCLA physician certification. She currently resides in Jacksonville Beach with her husband, Myke and 6-year-old son, Lukas.

Coronavirus updates

Covid-19 Update 3/20/20

Update on March 20, 2020 with Sharyl Truty MD on Covid-19 testing in Jacksonville, FL, cleaning products, and IV Therapy for virus.  


Smart Strategies to Avoid Spreading Germs

Whether you’re trying to avoid the common cold, the flu, or the new coronavirus, there are some simple things you can do to help prevent yourself and those around you from getting sick.

  1. Wash your hands! And make sure you’re washing them the correct way. Use soap and water, and scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
  2. If soap and water aren’t available, use some hand sanitizer.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  4. Stay away from sick people. (This seems obvious, but is still worth mentioning.) This also means that when you are sick, you should stay away from others as much as you can.
  5. Clean your home, workspace, and electronics regularly. There are a lot of germs that can live on surfaces, so disinfect those phones and computers!
  6. When you’re healthy, you are less likely to get sick. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating lots of fruits and veggies, and exercising regularly.

If your symptoms don't improve or you experience an unusually high fever or have trouble breathing, give us a call to book an appointment or see a doctor near you.


Optimize your health, simplify your life,

Sharyl Truty MD

landing page patient

Dr. Sharyl Truty MD is a Direct Primary Care & Integrative Medicine physician. Her practice, Balanced Physician Care is located in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.  Her innovative approach puts you in charge of your health, free from onerous insurance and health systems’ mandates and protocols. Her practice provides more time per appointment, a doctor who listens and respects your time, knowledge and instincts; and a doctor that puts prevention and lifestyle changes before pills. For more information about Dr. Truty and her unique approach to healthcare call 904-930-4774 or visit www.BalancedPhysicianCare.com

MD Detox

MD Detox

wsos appearance

Radio Segment 1-28-20

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