Dr. Sharyl Truty

About Dr. Sharyl Truty


Posts by Dr. Sharyl Truty:

Colony of pathogen bacterias - 3d render

Why You Should Consider a Probiotic


What is all the fuss about probiotics? What are they?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide a health benefit to the environment that hosts them. Another way to think of probiotics is as good bacteria – similar to what is naturally found in our stomachs.

So, Your stomach feels fine.  Why add one more thing to your list of vitamins? Here is a few reasons why you should consider Probiotics.

  1. Improve Your Immune Function – Medical Science is beginning to uncover just how much of our immune system is not just located in our lymph nodes and spleen, but in our intestine as well.  The good bacteria in our gut play a large role in maintain this immune function.
  2. Mood Improvement – Our intestines also contain the nervous system chemicals that effect our mood.  Having a “gut” feeling is not just a saying anymore.  Replenishing the good bacteria in the gut can help to improve mood and rid your self of the upset “stomach” that comes with anxiety.
  3. Reduce Inflammation – Probiotics have been found in one study to reduce temporary inflammation throughout the entire body including your joints, skin and bones.
  4. Get more Nutrition from what you Eat – Probiotics help to reduce gut inflammation.  By reducing gut inflammation, the nutrients of your food is better absorbed.  If you eat healthy and your food is not well absorbed, you will not reap the same benefits of healthy eating as someone whose gut is in balance.
  5. Improve Your Oral Health – Your mouth is the very top part of your digestive system.  Certain probiotics can encourage long-term equilibrium of oral bacteria. 

What reduces these good bacteria?

Remember, these important “good” bacteria in your body are not just effected by taking antibiotics for medical conditions, but their balance is also effected by antibiotics in your food, food with too much sugar, environmental toxins, medications such as antacids and steroids, and stress.  It can take almost 9 months with probiotics to replenish what may be lost with one antibiotic course.

Replenish – Replenish your body with a good probiotic.  It is critical to choose a good probiotic.  If the “good” bacteria in the supplement can not get through the acid in your stomach it will not reach the critical place you need it, your gut.  Few supplements have the technology to make sure this occurs.  Also, your probiotic should be diverse.  Having only two or three strains may not be adequate.  Make sure to do your research or ask your doctor for a good brand. 

Why consider buying supplements from Balanced Physician Care?

The supplements that we have chosen are made from companies that we have screened for quality and purity.  Our guarantee to you as a medical practice is that the supplements you receive from our office have been screened to the best of our ability to have the highest quality and purity standards.  Because probiotics are live organisms, there are many challenges associated with manufacturing and distributing probiotic supplements. For a probiotic to be effective, it must be shelf-stable through the expiration date and precisely delivered to the intestinal tract, where it can have maximum benefit.

Supplements and Herbals are NOT regulated by the FDA.  Therefore, while the marketing label can look like a quality product there is very little in the way consumers can do ensure to check the quality and purity of supplements. 

Optimize Your Health, Simplify Your Life,

Dr Sharyl Truty MD


Sharyl Truty


Dr. Sharyl Truty is an Integrative Medicine Physician, Board Certified in Family Medicine, and owner of Balanced Physician Care in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.  Do you have supplement questions?  Book a consultation by calling 904.930.4774

summertime relaxing

Summertime Recovery

"Summer, Summer, Summertime, time to sit back and unwind" - will smith

Summertime is often a time to rest and relax.  Many of us plan vacations to get away.  However, how many of us actually rest during this time?  Often we pack our vacations and our summer with many activities just different ones.  When the end of summer comes, will you feel rested?

Rest and recovery is a key principle to performance in any athlete.  Basic, sports training protocols include a period of rest and recovery in any performance training program.  Athletes know that physical improvements from all of their hard training only occur during recovery time.  This is true for both mind and body.  Sleep is the equivalent physical rest for the mind.  Growing evidence shows the importance of sleep in decreasing inflammation in the body and the brain.

Make rest a priority this summer.  Despite the drive to fill this time with summer activities and projects, find ways to make rest a part of your summer.

  1. Do Less. Make a conscious effort to double your estimation of how long any activities will take.  Give yourself more time with one activity to truly enjoy it.  Even with summer housework projects put limits on how much you want to achieve.  Give yourself permission to say "No" when things come up that threaten this easier schedule.
  2. Schedule Rest Time. Rest time can slowly slip away as we plan our summer. Put "rest" on your calendar just as you would any other activity.
  3. Try a relaxing activity. Try a low intensity activity something that quiets you mind. Put the earphones and audio away and just get absorbed in that activity.  It can be something as simple and out of the routine as stargazing, painting a bookcase or looking for shells on the beach.
  4. Be mindful during your vacations. Really enjoy your surroundings when you get away. Take time to get really interested in everything about the new experience you are about to enjoy.  Push away other demands on your time as much as possible and just enjoy the moment.
  5. Take an Adult Nap. As adults sometimes actually sleeping during the day can disrupt our sleep cycle. I call an adult nap a period of time where you just rest, recline and do something quite without an I-phone or a TV.  This can be crossword puzzle, reading a magazine or just swinging in a hammock. 
  6. Get out into Nature. Even if you are not the "outdoorsy" type, our brains are still wired to be cued into nature. Sounds, pictures and being out in nature naturally restore our minds.  Find you personal "green zone" whether this is your backyard or a local park and just enjoy some scheduled time outside.

Take back your summer.  Rest your body, mind and spirit and I guarantee you'll be ready to take on the world this fall. 


Dr. Sharyl Truty is a Board Certified Sports Medicine Physician and fellowship trained in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. She is owner of Balanced Physician Care in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.



Treating Headaches without Taking a Single Pill

Life can get pretty busy and stressful, and the “common” headache is sometimes overlooked or masked with a painkiller

The first step to looking beyond prescriptions is to look at the contributing factors of the headache.  Some people will often use a headache diary to help them sort out these issues.

StressStress by far is the most obvious contributing factor to headache, but taking a moment to find solutions to combat your stress may not be as obvious.

Dietary Factors.  In the realm of diet, food additives seem to be the biggest triggers.  Make sure to take a look at the labels of the foods that you are eating to see if there are a lot of added preservatives and consider asking about the use of MSG at various restaurants.  Skipping meals has also been found to be a trigger as well.  Caffeine which was thought to play a role in the past seems to show mixed results on its impact on headache. 

Muscle and Joint Problems.  Often when it comes to tension and migraine headaches, the involvement of the neck is often over looked.  It may be worth getting an evaluation of you neck muscles and joints by a physician or physical therapist to see if there are any issues stemming from your muscle system.

"The exact mechanism of action of headaches isn’t fully understood. There are no true nerves for pain in the area where it is experienced. Pain and discomfort of this nature ultimately comes from blood vessels in the head that rapidly dilate and may become inflamed. Exactly how this happens is far from clear, but there are several plausible theories"

How can you address these issues without using a prescription, an over the counter pain reliever, or even an herbal pill?

1) Reduce Stress through Breath - Breath is very intimately connected to our mood states.  Just by practicing a simple breath exercise, you can train your brain to reduce you stress level immediately.  Pick a time every day and practice this exercise for just 1 minute.  If you can keep with it for 45 days you'll begin to see its effects and then when in a stressful situation comes, one breath is all it takes.

2) Reduce Stress through a Moving Meditation Exercise.  Yoga and Tai Chi are some of my favorites.  Look for a class that has a teacher is focused on calming movement and breath rather than just exercise.  You'll likely see results faster than on your own.  Here are just a few practitioner's in the Jacksonville Beach/ Ponte Vedra area who focus on this aspect of Yoga and Tai chi (Sheri Nicholson & Deb Joiner).  However, wherever you are you can find Practioners focused on the meditation aspects of these exercise practices.  If going to a class is just not possible, try a walking meditation.  Just take a walk for 10 min, but try to clear your mind of any thoughts while you walk.  Focus on your breath or one word.  Your mind will likely wander, but be gentle to yourself and come back to your practice.

3) Improve your Diet through small steps.  For headache sufferers this mean just making sure you eat small meals throughout the day without skipping.  It may also mean keeping healthy snacks handy in your purse or desk drawer so that you are not reaching for something quick stocked full of preservatives. Stay Hydrated, the dehydrating effects of coffee, sugary drinks and alcohol can certainly leave us with a killer headache.

4) Rejuvenate Muscles, Joints and Nerves through Acupuncture.  In the medical community,  acupuncture has the highest levels of studies behind its effectiveness both in helping with an acute migraine and with preventing them from occurring.  Despite what most have experienced in Western Medicine, the needles are for the most part pain free.  Very thin, sterile disposable needles that are small and hardly noticeable during a treatment.

The good news for headache and migraine suffers is that there are a lot of holistic options available to help and just a few are listed here.  Consulting a local Integrative Physician is a great way to understand what options are best for you.  If you are in the Jacksonville, St Augustine, & Ponte Vedra areas and interested in exploring more options, please join us for a workshop with Dr Nicholas Scotto & myself on Neck Pain and Headaches, June 18th, by calling 904 930-4774 or visiting our website at www.BalancedPhysicianCare.com


Sharyl and Andy Weil


Dr. Sharyl Truty is an Integrative Medicine Physician and owner of Balanced Physician Care in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

BalancedPhysicianCare.com  904-930-4774

Family Care

Direct Primary Care for your Children

Giving Mothers the Gift of Time.

Mother's Day is around the corner this week.  Direct Primary Care membership can be a huge help for all types of mothers.  Whether you are a working mother looking to balance a career and your newborn or are a stay at home mother with your third or fourth child on the way Direct Primary Care can help take a few things off your plate, make your life simpler, and give you the gift of time.  At Balanced Physician Care, Dr. Sharyl Truty, your physician, becomes a direct partner by providing a hands on, personal resource you can tap into at anytime.

A Hands-on Resource at Any Time

For parents with a newborn, life can be pretty intense those first few weeks of life.  Even if the birth of your newborn child went smoothly or even if you are an experienced parent, new challenges always arise seeming to test our understanding of how to care for and protect this new life.  While our own mothers can be a great resource for helping us navigate new waters sometimes they are not always up on the latest medical understandings.   Sometimes the issues can be simple, but immediate and who wants to wait for the next wellness visit to get your questions answered?  If is is more complicated, who wants to go scrambling to a crowded emergency room and waiting hours with an unhappy infant?  By having a Direct Primary Care membership at Balanced Physician Care, if an issue comes up at 5pm on Friday evening with your newborn or young toddler, you call you doctor directly for answers.  You get direct contact with your physician and immediate peace of mind.

More Time for You, Less Time in the Waiting Room

For some parents, long waits in the waiting room to see your physician can be difficult.  If you are a working mother, needing to be at work you often have to rely on others to do the task of helping you take your child to well visits.  If you have several children, you can feel like you live at the doctor's office.  With a Direct Primary Care membership, you are seen if the office right away and unnecessary visits are minimized giving you more time to spend enjoying playful and learning activities with you children rather than long hours in a waiting room.  If you have a child with a chronic disease such as asthma, eczema or attention deficit disorder, visits such as these can add-up.

Sound Holistic Advice from a Trusted Source

Holistic care can be very important to some mothers.  Even if a child is very healthy, issues do arise from the inevitable cold and flu season to dealing with picky eaters. At Balanced Physician Care, our membership allows Dr. Sharyl Truty the time to spend counseling mothers on holistic options from dietary advice to natural herbals that are safe in children.  For children who are struggling with chronic diseases, often answers cannot only be found in conventional medicine, having a physician you can trust for advice on what holistic options make the most sense for the personality of your child can be invaluable.

At Balanced Physician Care, our goal is to optimize the health of your child and simplify your life.  Let us help to create a wellness plan for your child that goes beyond wellness checks and immunizations.  A Direct Primary Care membership works as a compliment to health insurance as is designed to provide very personalized, quality care.  Let Balanced Physician Care, give you the gift of time this Mother's Day.

Wishing all mothers this upcoming Sunday, a very special and Happy Mother's Day.

Dr Sharyl Truty MD


Sharyl Truty

Dr Sharyl Truty has been in practice as both a board-certified family medicine and a board-certified sports medicine physician for over 13 years. She completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, by Dr. Andrew Weil. For more information on Balanced Physician Care and its Direct Primary Care membership plan visit www.BalancedPhysicianCare.com





Do You File Insurance When You Change Your Car’s Oil?

The Case for Direct Primary Care

Of course, you don’t.  Car insurance is typically for catastrophes, covering injuries and property damage in the horrible case of an accident.

It’s not for gas, oil changes, tire rotations, or windshield wiper replacements; these are routine maintenance items – can you imagine if auto insurance covered these, it’d be really complicated and expensive.

Unlike auto insurance, we use health insurance for everything: routine, preventive and emergency care – no need to imagine, you know how expensive and complicated these plans are.

And when insurance claims are filed for every little thing, insurance premiums rise. So, the only logical way to decrease insurance premiums is to reduce the frequency of claims filed.

Balanced Physician Care can help

To reduce frequency of claims, our solution divides healthcare needs into those healthcare services which are used often, and those which are used rarely.

Primary care, with its routine physicals, acute care, chronic condition management, refills, and lab orders fall into 80-90 percent of services that are used most.

And when used in a Direct Primary Care setting,  the majority of healthcare is included as part of the membership, so filing an insurance claim is no longer required.  Also Direct Primary Care, caps the cost into an affordable, manageable, flat monthly fee.

That means 10 to 20 percent of care is for those rare catastrophic occurrences that are really expensive and should be covered by insurance.  As a result, insurance use (and cost) is minimized.

So, if you separate the emergency stuff from the routine, suddenly healthcare becomes more affordable.

Employers are using Direct Primary Care to lower healthcare costs

Business owners are smart, and given some time, they can figure most things out – that goes for healthcare too.

Across the country, many forward-thinking CEOs and business owners have discovered that Direct Primary Care returns control back to them and returns wasted healthcare dollars back to their bottom line.

They realize by using the car insurance approach to healthcare, the can use a high-deductible plan for major healthcare issues (Accidents, hospitalization, cancers etc.) and use a direct primary care plan for all the regular routine stuff and save money on their healthcare spend at the same time.

It’s the way healthcare should be.

Interested in learning more about Direct Primary Care?  Give us a call at 904-930-4774


By Shawn Fox, Co-founder IdealMD



All of us will have an occasional sleepless night on occasion.  This is perfectly normal.  However, when stress, hormones or changing time zones often begin to effect our sleep on a regular basis, lack of sleep can take a real toll on our heath. 

Unfortunately, the easy answer for most people is to ask their doctor for a sleeping pill.  What most people do not realize is that most sleeping pills do not allow your body to get into the deep layers of sleep that are truly restorative to the body.

The best way to restore sleep is to work at creating an environment conducive to sleep.  The following is a list of steps you can take to return restorative sleep to your health.

  • Make sure to "wind down" before trying to sleep. In general, you need about an hour of not doing anything stimulating before bed, especially avoid any use of a computer or handheld device.
  • Avoid watching TV in your bedroom.
  • Avoid high glycemic and harder to digest foods as bedtime snacks. A whole grain snack is better as it  helps to support tryptophan, a precursor to melatonin. 
  • Discontinue caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime.
  • Minimize noise as much as possible or consider a "white noise" machine or MP3. Our brains are relaxed by certain beats and vibrations.
  • Minimize light in the room as much as possible. Even with your eyes closed you are sensitive to light.
  • Find your perfect temperature. Most people fall asleep well at a cooler temperature that they find their in their house all day.  69 F is a good temperature for most
  • Avoid vigorous exercise within 3 hours of bedtime
  • Avoid alcohol to fall asleep. It is true alcohol will often make you tired and fall asleep however it has a dark side it often causes early morning awakening (2am) and difficulty sleeping through the whole night.  You also get a poorer quality of sleep that is less restorative.
  • Melatonin is released by the brain in the evening to help maintain a normal sleep cycle. This can be helpful, but many people don't take the correct dose.  Make sure to talk with your physician about how to find the right amount of melatonin for you.
  • There are also several botanicals that help to calm the mind before bed without disrupting your sleep cycle.
  • Consider trying a gentle Yoga routine before bed. You can often find DVDs that provide a nice before bed routine.
  • Also try a regular breathing exercise or meditation before bed. Breath can often focus the mind.  Many people find a regular breathing exercise can provide a stage to let go of bothersome thoughts before bed.  Remember, to be patient with it,  it may take a few weeks to master

Keep in mind that "letting go" or surrender is key in sleep onset.  Efforts to force ourselves to sleep usually fail.  So rather than "try" to fall asleep, set the stage to fall asleep and open yourself to be receptive to it and let go.  

Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.  It can make you look and feel better and it can help your body fight off a range of chronic and acute illnesses.

Optimize Your Health, Simplify Your Life,

Dr Sharyl Truty MD


Dr. Sharyl Truty

Dr Sharyl Truty is a board certified Family Practice & Sports Medicine Physician located in the Ponte Vedra, FL area.  Her innovative approach puts you in charge of your health, free from onerous insurance and health systems’ mandates and protocols


Sources:  American Academy of Family Practice Journal, Primary Care Rap, and University of Arizona Integrative Medicine Alumni Fellowship

Employer Healthcare

Employee Health Benefits, Make It Happen!

Finding a healthcare solution for your employees can be incredibly frustrating, and as a small business owner, you are often put into an impossible situation.

You can either:

Provide healthcare at a ridiculous cost
Provide nothing and let they employees get their own healthcare insurance
Either way, you risk profit or losing your best employees to companies that will.

It’s a dilemma small business owners face every day – I know, I talk to them every day. They want to do something for their employees, but the crush of health insurance is too much to bear, both mentally and financially.

That’s until they find out about a Balanced Physician Care healthcare solution.

Our solution helps you regain control of your health benefits and healthcare costs, all while providing you options that make your healthcare decisions easier, both mentally and financially.

Direct Primary Care is the foundation

Direct Primary Care (similar to concierge medicine, but much more affordable), is an approach to healthcare where patients and businesses work directly with a primary care doctor without any interference from insurance companies.

It restores the personal touch once considered the foundation of the doctor-patient relationship while incorporating the best in healthcare, particularly wellness and preventative medicine.

It provides businesses, big and small:

  • Price Transparency
  • Durable cost control
  • Out-of-pocket savings for employees
  • A superior employee experience with health benefits
  • Ease of implementation

Balanced Physician Care Health Benefits Solution can:

  • Save your business money
  • Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Provide convenient access to quality care
  • Help YOU retain your best employees
  • Boost employee engagement and morale
  • Heighten job satisfaction

The Takeaway:  You can now provide and control the Cost, Quality and Convenience of your health benefits. And it’s super easy to make happen!

Give us a call at 1-833-HEAL JAX or 904-930-4774 and we will setup a free, no obligation analysis of your current, or future health benefits program.

We now have Two Membership Options starting as low as $69 per month!

To your health,

Balanced Physician Care


Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine

written by Claire Watson-Irving, NASM

Monday was the first day of spring and thoughts of spring cleaning may be on your mind.

In addition to sprucing up your home for the upcoming warm weather, it might be even more important to take some to time to spruce up your fitness routine and renew your motivation by trying new exercises, breaking out of the old routine and exercising outdoors before it gets too hot!

Here are my top ten tips to spring clean your fitness routine:

1. Reframe exercise as self-care

When you’re busy taking care of everyone else at home or work, exercise is often the first thing to be sacrificed. Think of it as way to improve your ability to cope with the demands of daily life; helping to improve quality of sleep, your ability to manage stress and feel sufficiently energized to deal with life’s daily demands.

2.  Set SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Don’t set yourself up for failure. If your goals are too big you’ll get frustrated and give up exercising. Be realistic about how much activity you can do during any given week, and how long you can exercise for at any given time.

3. Get a workout buddy

You’re more likely to meet your fitness goals if you have someone you’re accountable to and who gives you the support you need, especially when you’re feeling like reaching for the Pinot rather than the gym shoes. Schedule time with a trainer, friend or family member to avoid slouching on the couch.

4. Change your thinking

Instead of focusing on physical goals like building muscle and weight loss, concentrate on how exercise makes you feel. The mood benefits of exercise are instant whereas physical change can take months, or even years to achieve. Note how you feel before and after exercising to maintain motivation. Compare your mindsets. Try exercising outdoors to intensify the endorphin effect.

5. Reward yourself

Don't forget to reward your body and take care of the ultimate machine. A massage is a great way to improve posture and joint flexibility by ironing out kinks in muscle fibers and is something pleasurable to look forward to. A foam roller or a tennis ball has a similar effect. Or try acupuncture for the ultimate therapeutic way to feel renewed.

6. Try something new

Whatever your goal, your body adapts to an exercise after just four weeks and it stops being effective. Change things up to get consistent results. Vary reps, weight, tempo, difficulty, equipment, time and type of exercise to add variety and keep your body on its’ toes.

7. Resistance train.

Many women take up running, yoga or pilates to improve fitness, but forget how important lifting weight is to maintain bone and muscle mass, which decline from the age of 30. Resistance training helps ward off degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis. Use lighter weights with high reps and you’ll look more like Kate Middleton than Arnie.

8. Sign up for a community event

Add a goal that helps focus your fitness routine by creating a sense of purpose. Signing up for a cause related race close to your heart renews commitment to exercise and offers something different from the usual routine.

9. Splurge on nice exercise gear

Ditch the washed out T shirt from ten years ago. Replace exercise gear about every six months, especially sports bras. Moisture wicking materials are a must in Jacksonville. Wear brands that reflect your style and values and you’ll be more motivated to work out and feel good in your skin whilst you’re doing it.

10. Exercise for you, not someone else

Every week there’s a new exercise fad or trend that comes to the market, it’s easy to jump on the band wagon and do something because it’s in vogue. Chose an exercise routine you genuinely enjoy, that works with where you’re at and you’ll be much more likely to do it habitually. If you like shaking your stuff in a sparkly Zumba skirt or going old school Cardio Stepping rather than Barre or PiYo, so be it.


Claire Watson-Irving is a certified Personal Trainer and certified Health & Wellness Coach and can be booked for sessions at Balanced Physician Care (115 Professional Drive STE 104, Ponte Vedra, FL32082).  For more information, please call 914-409-6554 or email irvingmotionislotion@gmail.com



family pic

‘Flat-Fee Primary Care’ As A GOP-Friendly Way To Provide Routine Health Care

Back in the day, people paid for routine, primary medical care on their own and only used insurance when something serious came up. Some primary care doctors are betting that model can thrive again through a monthly subscription for routine care and a high-deductible insurance policy to take care of the big stuff.

But the changes raise questions about whether that approach really leads to more effective and efficient health care.

Article written by Michelle Andrews

It's easy to understand the appeal of Direct Primary Care, as it's called, for doctors and patients. Doctors charge a monthly fee, generally from $50 to $150, to provide routine clinical care and consultation, sometimes including basic lab work and tests. Patients who need other care, an MRI or surgery, for example, would be covered by their insurance policy, if they have one.

Freed from having to devote time and money to managing insurance claims, doctors say they can accept fewer patients and spend more time with them without focusing on the question of which services are paid for.

Patients, meanwhile, may get more personalized care. They also may save money on insurance if they can pair their primary care plan with a cheaper, high-deductible policy.

Although only a fraction of primary care doctors practice this way, the proportion has grown from 2 percent to 3 percent in the past year, according to data from the American Academy of Family Physicians, which supports this type of practice.

Advocates of direct primary care believe their prospects are bright because the new Republican administration favors market-driven approaches to health care. The plan introduced by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price when he was in Congress would allow people to pay monthly fees for direct primary care with funds from health savings accounts. A bipartisan bill introduced in January for consideration by the current Congress would amend Internal Revenue Service rules to permit that.

William Bayne, a commercial real estate developer in Las Vegas, joined MedLion, a direct primary care company, last October. For $300 a month, Bayne gets routine primary care for himself, his wife and their five children. "It's great for the little stuff that comes up with five kids," says Bayne, 41. They also have a comprehensive family insurance plan.

"Advocates of paying a family doctor a flat monthly fee for office visits and some lab work, say it saves patients money when coupled with a high-deductible insurance plan"

When Bayne's 8-year-old son woke up with what looked like a big pimple on the side of his eye one morning, they called MedLion and made an appointment for 12:30 that afternoon. But their family physician, Dr. Samir Qamar, called before that, having seen their names on the schedule, and asked for a photo of the boy's eye. Qamar said it looked like an oil gland in an eyelid was clogged and suggested they wait a day before coming in, because it would probably clear up on its own. It did.

Qamar used to have a high-end concierge practice in Pebble Beach, Calif., where he provided on-call primary care services. When the Great Recession hit in 2007, he says, he and his wife, who was a physician with a traditional primary care practice, decided to offer concierge-style primary care at a lower price point. They moved to Las Vegas and opened MedLion, which is now available in seven locations in the Las Vegas area and works with 429 affiliated physicians in 25 states.

Like many direct primary care practices, MedLion has shifted its focus from individuals to the employers who offer the service as a benefit. Workers typically pick one of their company's regular insurance plans and add the Direct Primary Care service if they wish to. The company pays the monthly fee for those who choose the option and may or may not pass that cost along to workers.

In perhaps the largest effort of its kind, the state of New Jersey recently kicked off a pilot program with Philadelphia-based direct primary care provider R-Health that aims to enroll at least 60,000 state employees in the first three years.

Not surprisingly, the program is particularly appealing to people with chronic conditions, says Mason Reiner, CEO of R-Health.

"Those are the folks who really need and can benefit from relationship-based primary care," he says. "It can make a big difference for them and for the state, since so much of the cost of care is driven by these folks."

Improving access to primary care is important, says Dr. A. Mark Fendrick, an internist who directs the Center for Value-Based Insurance Design at the University of Michigan. But he cautions that while direct primary care doctors who get a flat monthly fee aren't motivated to provide unnecessary, low-value care, patients don't have the same incentive. For patients, an "all you can eat model" may encourage them to get care they don't need.

"By removing fee-for-service [payments], this model is positive on the provider side," Fendrick says. "But it isn't nuanced enough on the patient side to get the system where we need it to be."

Dr. Sharyl Truty is a Direct Primary Care & Integrative Medicine doctor in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.  Her innovative approach puts you in charge of your health, free from onerous insurance and health systems’ mandates and protocols. Her practice provides more time per appointment, a doctor who listens and respects your time, knowledge and instincts; and a doctor that puts prevention and lifestyle changes before pills. For more information about Dr. Truty and her unique approach to healthcare call 904-930-4774 or visit www.BalancedPhysicianCare.com



Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

heart health

Heart Health Risk

February is Heart Health Month. At hospitals across America you will see a host of "Red Dress" events raising awareness for the importance of heart health in women. Most of us may not realize that Cardiovascular Disease still remains the main cause of mortality among men and women.

However, what most women don't realize is that signs of a heart attack may be different in women than in men. Men will typically get a crushing, heavy chest pain in the front and middle area of the chest, but women can get a different type of pain. Pain in the upper stomach area that "may seem like heartburn" in fact be angina or heart pain. Pain that is also located middle of the back right behind the heart can also be a sign of chest pain.

So, how do you know?

If you have any concerns, go see your doctor right away, so they can help you to decide if you need to get your heart checked further with tests such as and ECG or Stress test.  Having said this, there are several wellness markers you can evaluate today to get a good understanding of your personal risk.

1) Get Your Cholesterol Checked

2) Know Your Blood Pressure and eliminate cigarette smoke from your environment

3) Know not only your BMI, but your Waist to Hip Ratio

4) Evaluate how much salt you eat on a daily basis.

5) Ask your parents about your Family History.  Who had a heart attack and how old were they?

6) Ask Your Doctor to Evaluate your Framingham Risk Score and know the number.

7) Consider getting your homocysteine and cardiac CRP levels checked.

8) Decide if advanced lipid testing is right for you.

Your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, age and smoking status are all used to calculate your Framingham Risk Score.  This is one of the most popular scores that helps doctors to determine your 10-year risk of heart disease.  We also know that an increased BMI (especially over 30) and an increased waist to hip ratio above 0.85 for women and above 0.90 for men {calculated as waist measurement divided by hip measurement (W ÷ H)} puts you at greater cardiovascular risk as well.  Any family members who were diagnosed or had heart attacks before the age of 50, increases your risk.  Reducing your intake of sodium below 2500 mg can help lower your blood pressure which is an independent risk factor for heart disease, so keeping tract of how much to take in on a regular basis will help you know your risk.  Finally, there are some "advanced" blood tests that further help you to understand your risk. 

Some of these are controversial, but worth considering. 

Your homocysteine level and cardiac c-crp levels are markers for inflammation in your blood vessels and since one of the fundamentals of developing plaque in your arteries is inflammation, knowing your overall body inflammation may help you to assess your risk.  Finally, medicine is finding that the "size" of your cholesterol particles is also important in determining your risk, so there are cholesterol panels available to check this; however, they can be expensive and may not change our recommendations for your treatment by much.  Also, cholesterol particle size is largely due to your genetics, so before considering the test, ask yourself if knowing this information will motivate your to change your behavior or just make you more anxious. 

Celebrate your heart this month.  Take time to understand your heart and what it needs to keep you healthy.

If you feel like you need more information on how screenings exams and checkups can benefit your heart health then you owe it to yourself to contact us at Balanced Physician Care today (904-930-4774). Dr Sharyl Truty has the time to truly analysis your symptoms, find the root cause of your issues, and get you back on the path wellness.

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