Health Tips


Science of Detox

What exactly is “detox?”  Is this something you should do? 

According to a 2009 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, Americans are carrying in their body over 219 toxic chemicals at any given time. Fatigue, irritability, joint pain and brain fog symptoms can be a result of an increased toxic burden. A detoxification program is a great way to clear your body of toxins to prevent disease, improve metabolism, lose weight and improve mental clarity.  (more…)




Health for the Holidays

Do you have someone on your list that you just do not know what to get?  What would be something unique?  Often most of us are so busy throughout the year that receiving a gift that reminds us to take care of ourselves can be the most valuable.


5 Holiday Health Gifts Ideas from Balanced Physician Care 

1) Vitamin Vitality - From my perspective the 4 most important supplements are a quality multivitamin, fish oil supplement, a probiotic and melatonin.  These four make up the core pillars of support for an anti-inflammatory and functional medicine lifestyle.  Quality is key when it comes to these four.  While many can be found in local stores often the quality or composition combination is poor and does not support the body. 

2) Acupuncture Restoration - Many people are often hesitant to try acupuncture, but once they do they can feel the amazing energy and support it provides the body.  Even if there isn't a specific health issue, acupuncture can be a powerful tool for not only detoxing the body, but the mind as well. 

3) Integrative or Functional Medicine Consultation - How may different diet theories have your read about in magazines?  How many different supplements or nutrition shakes do you take?  Do you get confused on what you are ordering it from Amazon?  Spending just an hour in person or on the phone with an expert in holistic medicine such as Dr. Sharyl Truty, MD can help to focus you or your loved one's health goals for the new year.

4) Herbal Relaxation - There are a variety of herbs that can take the edge off of our stress.  The formulations created by our supplement supplier, Orthomolecular, are the highest quality products.  Often people do not feel herbals work for their anxiety, but this is because they have 't been a formula that fits them personally or that has a high quality standard.  Our Bontanicalm, Cerenity and Adapten-All formulations can add much needed support during stressful times.  We even offer IV infusions in 2020.

5) Health Care for an Entire Year - Does this seem a little far fetched?  Well for a little less than $1500 your could provide someone with 80% of the health care that they need for an entire year.  In a time of health care uncertainty wouldn't it be nice to have peace of mind in 2020 without all the hassle?  Our Direct Primary Care Membership does just that.

Join our mailing list, check out our website or call us (904.930.4774).  Give a unique gift this year to your friends and loved ones.  Give the gift of health and vitality.


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