Dr. Sharyl Truty

About Dr. Sharyl Truty


Posts by Dr. Sharyl Truty:


“Sticking It” to Injuries

I have treated multiple athletes and weekend warriors with injuries. In the past, I would often describe traditional therapies for acute injuries, such as intermittent icing, wound compression and the use of anti-inflammatory agents.

However, recent research by the Academy of Sports Medicine suggests we may have over-treated injuries with excessive use of anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen.

The concern is that in trying to control swelling, we may actually impede the bodies' natural response to heal. However, it's important to note that excessive swelling could be harmful if it causes pain or decreases blood flow. There are also the potential side effects that can occur from anti-inflammatory agents such as ulcers, internal bleeding and kidney dysfunction.

With this in mind, I decided to change my tactic for treating many athletic injuries. For the last 10 years, I have turned to acupuncture. Most people believe that acupuncture only offers pain relief. This is true, but, more importantly, acupuncture helps facilitate injury repair and wound healing by accessing energy pathways called meridians. The placement of the acupuncture needles on these pathways improves energy flow, which speeds healing.

I am continually amazed at the responses in my patients who use acupuncture. I have treated multiple athletes who have sustained acute strains and sprains with acupuncture. They returned to exercise in almost half the time it normally takes. The beauty of acupuncture is that there are little, if any, potential side effects.

Acupuncture is also a great treatment for chronic musculoskeletal issues like tendonitis, bursitis and arthritis by improving energy flow over these inflamed regions. Again, the common treatment has been prescribing anti-inflammatory medication and, if that is not successful, steroid injections. These have serious potential side effects, including possible tendon rupture. With acupuncture, healing is facilitated without a medication which makes it a "natural" remedy.

Additionally, it should be noted that acupuncture can also be useful for energy replacement. This is a concept that is difficult to comprehend from a typical Western eye, but many Eastern medical therapies (such as acupuncture) are designed to reinvigorate an individual and help with excessive fatigue. As every athlete knows, it is imperative to have as much energy as possible to reach your peak performance.

It is important to note that an individual needs to be ruled out for obvious causes of fatigue such as anemia, uncontrolled blood sugar, and low thyroid or overtraining syndrome before using acupuncture for energy replacement.

Acupuncture may not be for everyone, especially those with a needle phobia. Consult your physician and consider acupuncture therapy for the treatment of the following injuries:

Acute strains and sprains
Acute and chronic arthritis
Tendonitis and bursitis
Low back pain
Low energy


Dr Sharyl Truty MD is board certified in Family Practice and Sports Medicine and has completed a physicians course at UCLA Helms Acupuncture Training and Certification as well as acupuncture training in China.  If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr Sharyl Truty, please call 904.930.4774 and ask about the New Patient Special, 3 visits for $199, available at Balanced Physician Care.


Acupuncture: "Sticking it" to Injuries
By Stephen Brewer, MD, AAFP



Rejuvenation…2 Simple Places to Change on the Path to Optimal Health

Keeping a broader definition of health and rejuvenation in mind, there are two areas of wellness that are simple and very cost effective, but yet the provide each of us a very powerful tool to optimize our wellness in the new year. 





The beginning of the year marks a shift and a time for change. A time to focus on establishing new behaviors that will help meet goals in the year ahead. When it comes to our health, the new year is a great time for renewal and reflection.


Sharyl Truty

Why I became a Physician


Holiday Havoc on Your Body


The Holiday season is undoubtedly a very special time of year.  From the tree, to the gifts, to the time spent with family, it’s a widely anticipated season that always seems to sneak up fast.  

Though we don’t want to admit it, we all go through different waves of emotions at this time and these emotions can effect your body.

Your body responds to the way you think. When you feel stressed, anxious, or upset, your body reacts in a way that might tell you that something isn’t right. High blood pressure, stomach ulcers, or even headaches might be physical signs that your emotional health is out of balance.



Cold & Flu Bug, Be Gone


Most of us enjoy the seasonal change at this time of year.

What most of us don’t appreciate is that our bodies also go through change, adjusting to the outside around us. Often times this can make us vulnerable to catching a cold virus or a flu virus.

There are some common, natural herbals that have solid medical studies behind them and are easily available at any your local stores.



“900 seconds, That’s It Doc”?

You took the afternoon off. You arrived 15 minutes early. You ended up waiting 25-30 minutes in a small, crowded waiting room before having the opportunity to wait another 10 minutes in another smaller room.

When the doctor finally walks in, he “hid” behind his computer screen for another 2 minutes before getting down to business. Ten minutes later you walked out with a prescription and a receipt for a $40 copay.


direct primary care difference

Is Direct Primary Care for you?

BPC Stationary

As both a Board Certified Family and Sports Medicine physician for over 12 years, I hear a lot of complaints with the healthcare system, especially when it comes to receiving quality, affordable primary care services. A Primary Care Physician should be the point person for a health tune-up, with a focus on wellness and prevention, but I often hear people say that most primary care physicians, treat their patients more like cattle than people. I hear complaints about costly acute care clinic and ER visits, and all that time off work just to wait for hours to be referred to back to a primary care physician for follow-ups. I even hear complaints about primary care physicians using prescriptions to treat symptoms versus taking the time to actually help people get better. Oh, and the hidden fees. I could go on, but thankfully, my practice offers an affordable solution that addresses each of those complaints and it’s called, Direct Primary Care. Direct Primary Care is an innovative healthcare approach that just might be the answer to your family’s health and well-being. After reading this, if you still have questions about how it works or how it can help you, please don’t hesitate to call or stop in our office anytime.

Why Do We Offer Direct Primary Care?

When I opened Balanced Physician Care in Ponte Vedra, Florida about a year ago, I set out to make a difference in the primary care system throughout Northeast Florida. After looking at the numbers, I noticed a shortage of primary care physicians in the area. The shortage was causing a strain on the Jacksonville community, and the providers were no longer effectively able to maintain the community’s health and well-being. By having a private practice that focuses on Direct Primary Care, a fee-based primary care service, at Balanced Physician Care, we are able to work directly with our patients to build a personal relationship that effectively manages the acute needs for their family (cold, flu, etc.), while also helping them manage their chronic issues with a treatment plan focused on wellness. Because of its white glove approach, Direct Primary Care is shown to improve outcomes, which means people are healthier, spend less time in the hospital and ultimately, less on healthcare.

How Does Direct Primary Care Work?

Direct Primary Care is a monthly membership that offers easy access to a Primary Care Physician, annual exams, labs, women’s health visits, and a host of other benefits listed here. Each member is billed on a monthly basis. There is no requirement to come to the office to see us; in fact, we offer remote office visits through a private and confidential telemedicine portal.

Who Should Consider Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care is perfect for busy professionals and athletes who are looking to stay at the top of their game, and want consistent care from the same professional while on the go (we even provide our docs cellphone numbers and email addresses). Direct Primary Care also works great for anyone looking for a closer coordination of care to improve women’s health issues, sports injuries, weight loss, fitness levels, and more.

How Much Does It Cost?

We work directly with our patients, rather than through insurance companies. This allows us to keep our overhead costs down, while also offering 100% transparency in what you should expect to pay for the services we provide. We currently offer two Direct Primary Care memberships for $129/month for an Adult Premier Membership and $69/month for an Adult Basic Membership. We also offer special pricing for families and couples.

How Does Direct Primary Care Work with Insurance?

Direct Primary Care membership works great for those who are forced to take a high deductible health plan, or any Affordable Care Act Exchange Plan. While we do not work with insurance companies, we can provide a bill for services rendered that you can provide to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.

What Sets Balanced Physician Care Apart From Other Direct Primary Care Providers?

At Balanced Physician Care, we are highly trained in integrative medicine (holistic medicine) and offer Acupuncture visits as a service in our membership. If you want a natural path to wellness, we are the place to join. We offer advice on diet, supplements and alternatives to prescription medications. We are also highly trained in sports medicine. I played basketball in college, served as team physician for the Chicago Marathon, and served as team physician for the Chicago Red Stars, so I know what it takes to stay in the game, how to train to prevent injuries and how to prolong the need for surgery.

cropped-log-sm-square.pngIf you think Direct Primary Care is right for your family, contact Balanced Physician Care today at
904-930-4774 or email us at membership@balancedphysiciancare.com.



Dr Truty with Patient

 About Dr. Sharyl Truty

Dr. Truty has been in practice as both a board-certified family medicine and a board-certified sports medicine physician for over 17 years. She completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, by Dr. Andrew Weil. She has practiced acupuncture for over 15 years after having trained in China and completed the UCLA physician acupuncture certification. Dr. Truty is committed to finding the best solutions to help you live the best-balanced life possible.

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